Humbug Farm
Holly Springs, NC 27540

Kate Shirley, Shepherd
Ph. (919) 557-0471       email:

The wool for my yarn comes from my own flock of sheep.  My sheep have been raised on clean pastures and fed appropriate feed, hay and minerals.  They are raised in a humane, eco friendly manner.

They are sheared once or twice a year.  Only the best parts of each fleece is used for my custom spun yarns. The wool is hand washed by me using natural biodegradable detergent.  The clean wool is shipped off to a mill to be spun to my specifications.  No harsh chemicals have been used in processing my wool. 

Border Leicester Yarn
4 oz skeins, natural cream colored, about 230 yards per skein (light worsted weight)
$10 per skein + shipping